Izooble is a energetic young team which has one common goal; to change the way we search, discover and purchase products without privacy issues, based on recommendation from your network without any privacy issues. Our goal is to become the world's leading Social Recommendation Platform for products, where only relevant personalized products will surface.
Izooble re-invented search and has its full focus on the booming “social search” market where people use their social networks to find, share and buy products online. Izooble has patented a revolutionary new search technology for relevant products free of advertisements based on the most valued reviews from your own network of friends and people they know and trust. Social Search, just like in real life, free of advertisements and without privacy issues.
Our technique is as simple as it is unique but can change the way we search and find entirely.
Izooble is marked as High Potential by Ernst&Young, EIT ICT Lab and Crowd Capital Brabant.
Find what matters