Itprojekt is Poland based systems integrator, delivering Industry Standard and HPC Servers along with Direct Liquid Cooling systems from recognised suppliers.
DLC technology already displaces traditional air-conditioning from server rooms and represents an absolute innovation away from proprietary, monolithic liquid cooling systems that A-Brands offer. In place of these expensive systems unavailable for ordinary users, we are using standard blade servers supplemented with flexible liquid cooling. We design with our partners and implement an especially economic solution available not only for supercomputing centres but also for almost any server room.
Eagle, the most energy efficient HPC cluster in Poland
We aim to adress risks, reduce purchase and maintenance cost and most importantly deliver best of breed, economic, flexible and available IT services & assets. Our solutions cover all aspects of server platforms, data storage, backup & archive systems, and also networking/security solutions.
We love to enable customers to make a major shift in the way they procure, run and maintain IT Systems. From developing a concept and designing a solution, to selecting optimum new and innovative hardware, services and technologies, procure with optimum sourcing strategies, finally to implementing, training and adaptation of procedures. Whether you are driven by a need for agile innovation to stay ahead of the demands of your internal or external customer, or you are looking to exploit new opportunities and differentiate - we can help.
We are big enough to cope & small enough to focus & care.