Isle of Man Digital Media Cluster
Inward Investment Agency for: Broadcasting | Content Creation | eSports | Digital Media
Startup & finance your next Digital Media venture on the Isle of Man
Twitter @IsleofMedia
CEO: Michael Wilson
Board: Dr Richard Arning (Chairman), Dave Beynon, Peter Duke
Dr Bettina Brinkmann (formerly EBU), Clark Bunting (formerly Discovery), Joan Burney Keatings MBE (Cinemagic), Dr Frank Hoffman (SES/MX1), Simon Kelly (Dixcart), Catriona Logan (Celtic Media Festival),
Simon Nicholas (KPMG), Mark Rowland (Formatzone, C21), Chris Sharp (formerly amc networks)
No corporate tax for media ventures. No capital gains tax. Low income tax. Key employee consession; 3-year tax concession for non-Isle of Man income.
Financial Support
Public grants up 40% to match your investment or global marketing expenditure. Public and private loans and equity from Business Angels and VC (multi-million tech funding, multi-million media funding)
Telecommunication & Data Centres
Rely on our world class telecommunication infrastructure, six data centres, and a new teleport
Grow with the educated workforce in TV production, post production and distribution.
Work with the University College Isle of Man in Digital Media
Our track records:
Standing global TV production and more than 100 TV, film and animation production produced on the Isle of Man and co-financed since 1995. World largest hub in eGaming with software creation and hosting on the Island