The Islamic Finance Council UK (UKIFC) is a specialist Islamic finance body established to promote the development of the global Islamic finance industry. Headquartered in the UK, the UKIFC is led by an Advisory Board whose members are internationally recognized experts in their relevant sectors.
The UKIFC specializes in the following key advisory activities:
• Shariah Governance – Select pieces of Shariah advisory work the UKIFC team has been involved in includes microfinance, Waqf and producing policy and procedures manuals. In addition to the above the UKIFC have expertise in advising on regulatory treatment (under Basel III) for Islamic financial instruments.
• Executive Training – We focus on key differentials that commercial practitioner’s and regulators require.The UKIFC team have successfully delivered courses and facilitated presentations in the UK, Germany, Russia Libya, Senegal, Nigeria, Kenya, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia – a truly global footprint.
• Ethical Finance – Since 2010, the UKIFC together with select partners has held the Edinburgh Ethical Finance Round-table series. In late 2013 we held a unique debate on how faith based principles can help create a more just and socially responsible financial system. The event was hosted at the House of Lords, with the keynote address given by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The full transcript of the event is available to download from the below link.
• Government policy advisory – The UKIFC specializes in advising governments and regulatory agencies on creating enabling frameworks for Islamic finance.We have advised a number of European and African government bodies on their policy strategy, regulatory guidelines, amending tax law, Islamic Insurance (Takaful), pension schemes and capital markets related considerations amongst others. In addition, we provide strategy advisory for tapping FDI through accessing global Shariah compliant liquidity pools.