Isanti County Public Health provides a diverse range of services as we carry out our mission to "to promote, protect and preserve the health and well-being of our community by working in partnership to empower residents to make healthy, safe choices. It is based on shared values that motivate and guide our actions!".
We do this through our goals to:
Prepare for, respond to, and assist communities in recovery from disasters.
Promote healthy communities and eliminate health disparities.
Assure quality and accessibility of health services.
Prevent the spread of infectious disease.
Make environments safe and healthy.
Assure a strong public health system.
Fulfill local, state, and federal mandates.
"Empowering our community to choose health and safety".
Our Mission is based on shared values that motivate and guide our actions.
Integrity We are honest, ethical and confidential in all we do.
Communication We practice timely and open communication inside and outside our organization. We verbalize, appreciate, and recognition.
Professionalism We encompass accountability, dependability and perform in the most respectful and efficient manner possible.
Compassion We serve our community objectively with a consciousness of the needs of others and willingness to assist