IAASA is responsible for the supervision of the accounting profession in Ireland, comprising over 43,000 members of Prescribed Accountancy Bodies in business and practice in Ireland.
Our mission is upholding quality corporate reporting and an accountable profession.
IAASA is the competent authority for the oversight of statutory auditors in Ireland, including oversight of the manner in which three Recognised Accountancy Bodies (ACCA, CAI, CPA Ireland) perform the regulatory functions assigned to them in law in respect of statutory auditors.
In addition, IAASA has direct responsibility for the inspection of audits of Public Interest Entities (‘PIEs’), comprising entities with securities listed on a regulated market, credit institutions and insurance undertakings. We directly regulate seven auditing and accounting firms in respect of this element of their work.
IAASA is responsible for examining the level of compliance of certain entities’ annual and half-yearly financial reporting with applicable financial reporting standards.
IAASA is responsible for conducting investigations of issues arising from its inspection of the audits of PIEs and referrals from overseas competent authorities. IAASA also has the discretionary power to investigate non-PIE audit matters as well as whether a member of a PAB has complied with that body’s standards.
IAASA may also conduct enquiries into whether a prescribed accountancy body has complied with its approved investigation and disciplinary process.
IAASA is responsible for adopting standards on auditing, professional ethics and internal quality control. Auditors are required to carry out statutory audits in accordance with these standards.
Our website sets out further information on our activities.