The Irex Contracting Group is a network of specialty contracting companies delivering exceptional value in performance, quality, safety and service.
We service industrial, commercial, institutional, and government customers in a wide variety of specialized areas including mechanical and nuclear insulation, systems scaffolding, industrial coatings, abatement, and energy appraisal services.
With an Irex company on your project, you get the combined experience and expertise of one of North America’s most advanced and skilled specialty contracting groups.
Construction, Fire Protection Contractors, Contractors, Engineering & Consulting, Holding companies and groups of companies, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Holding companies, building and construction industry, Contractor Equipment & Services
HQ Location
120 North Lime Street
Lancaster, PA 17602, US
Abatement RemediatioCertified Energy AssessmentEmergency ServicesIndustrial & Commercial CoatingMechanical InsulatioMetal BuildingsNuclear ServicesPassive Fire ProtectioPhotoluminescent MarkingsRadiant Heat Shielding