From the way your customers experience your products and people, to the way your team learns and develops, to the programs you have in place to drive growth: Invision Strategies can prepare you and your people with the strategy, planning and training you need to stand apart in your marketplace.
Questions we can help you answer:
1. How do we enable our sales team to perform in our dyanmic environment?
2. Our customer base is changing – are we keeping up?
3. Are ALL of our solutions being utilized?
4. How do we negotiate from a place of strength?
5. Are we utilizing our metrics to drive the right behaviors?
6. Do we onboard people in ways that engage them – and keep them?
7. Is our training only an event – and not a way of life?
8. How do I develop my front-line sales managers so they can better drive our results?”
9. How do we get a strategic plan that we can align to?
10. How do we get more action around our strategic initiatives?