The Investor Summit is an independent company focused on providing networking opportunities to the microcap and smallcap community at large. As an independent event, The Investor Summit focuses on creating a unique network of the highest quality investors and the most valuable microcap and smallcap companies.
The Investor Summit hosts invite-exclusive events, each invited company is carefully selected based on strong fundamentals and growth prospects. It is an opportunity to be introduced to and speak with management at some of the most attractive companies, to ask questions to subject matter experts, and to mingle with buyside analysts and other microcap/smallcap investors in one-on-one meetings.
Financial Services
HQ Location
404 5th Ave
New York, NY 10018, US
Event organizationCompany selection based on fundamentals and growth prospectsSubject matter expertise
Networking opportunitiesInvite-exclusive eventsOne-on-one meetings
Investor NetworkingMicrocap StocksCorporate Accesssmallcapmicrocapvirtual conferenceinvestingeventsconferenceetworking