INVENTO Films is a production company created by Marianela Maldonado and Robin Todd, filmmakers who have developed an audiovisual career in the UK, Europe, Latin America and the United States by writing, directing and editing shorts and feature films as well as animations.
Currently, Invento Films is post-producing the documentary film Los Niños de las Brisas (The Children of Las Brisas), shot over the past seven years in one of the most dangerous slums of the world. This challenging documentary follows the life of six impoverished children in Valencia, Venezuela, in their quest of becoming professional musicians in a country on the verge of chaos.
The company is also developing two feature films: ‘El Vientre de La Ballena’ (The Belly of The Whale) and ‘El Aguacate’ (The avocado, animated feature film).
In recent years, Invento Films has broadened its services, creating MiniDocs and Short Documentaries for companies like Univision, offering script doctor consultancy and scriptwriting services, as well as videography of all kinds.