The International Skating Union, founded in 1892, is the exclusive international sport federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) administering (Long Track) Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating come under the Speed Skating Branch and Single & Pair Skating / Ice Dance and Synchronized Skating constitute the Figure Skating Branch. The ISU is composed of national associations called ISU Members, who administer ISU sports at the national level and recognize that all international matters are under the sole jurisdiction and control of the ISU.
The objectives of the ISU are to regulate, govern and promote the sports in the Figure Skating and Speed Skating Branches and their organized development on the basis of friendship and mutual understanding between sportsmen and women. The ISU works to broaden interest in all its disciplines by increasing their popularity, improving their quality and increasing the number of participants throughout the world.
The ISU Council is the highest ISU body between Congresses and its main functions are to determine the policies of the ISU and decide upon the general coordination of the ISU structure, allot ISU Championships and other ISU Events, checking that the accounting for and management of assets are subject to adequate controls, the preparation and submission to Congress of annual budgets, decisions regarding the admission or suspension of Members, decisions on appeals from the decisions of the Technical Committees and ISU Officials involving violation of technical sport Rules amongst many others.
Particular importance is given to Events which include: ISU Championships, ISU Speed Skating and Short Track Speed Skating World Cup Competitions, ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Competitions, ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating, ISU Shanghai Trophy, ISU International Competitions, ISU exhibitions, ISU shows, ISU tours and performances / appearances. Over 50 ISU Events are organized each Season.