International Science and TechnologyTM(IS&T,Inc) is a multidimensional Engineering & Technology services provider. It offers affordable options for Green Building and Sustainable Development, Hybridized Renewable Energy Solution, Engineering, Geomatics and eBusiness, eCommerce application development, Datacenter Support and Web Hosting. Affiliations with the leading producers of servers, software developers, storefront software and merchant banks, Civil & Mechanical Engineering and Geomatics Technology companies enables International Science and TechnologyTM to provide a single source for all Engineering, internet and Intranet needs for small and medium scale businesses.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
112 S Kyrene Rd, Suite 1
Chandler, Arizona 85226, US
Green Building and Sustainable DevelopmentHybridized Renewable Energy SolutionEngineering servicesGeomatics technologyeBusiness and eCommerce application developmentDatacenter managementWeb hosting solutionsCivil EngineeringMechanical Engineering
Green Building and Sustainable DevelopmentHybridized Renewable Energy SolutionEngineering servicesGeomatics serviceseBusiness and eCommerce application developmentDatacenter SupportWeb HostingStorefront softwareMerchant banking services