IATI is a global initiative working to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.
IATI encourages governments and organisations to publish information about their spending and projects according to IATI's open data standard. The IATI Standard is a set of rules and guidance for publishing useful development and humanitarian data. Once published, this data is free and open for anyone to access online.
Thousands of organisations have published IATI data on the spending of their development or humanitarian activities. They include donor governments, multilateral agencies, development finance institutions, foundations, NGOs and private sector organisations.
IATI is funded and governed by its members and a member-elected Governing Board, and it is supported by a global community of development and humanitarian practitioners, advocates for transparency, data experts and technical specialists. IATI’s Secretariat is hosted by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), which is responsible for policy and technology services, with Open Data Services as the Secretariat's technology delivery partner and the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) as the provider of operational and financial services.