Services: Consulting, Space Planning, Specifications, Sales, Project Management, Professional Installation
At Interior Innovations, we believe that space matters. Properly designed space increases productivity and helps attract and retain the best employees, clients, and students. Today’s challenges didn’t develop overnight. The continuous introduction of new technologies into environments occupied by 4 generations of people with differing expectations has made todays space planning even more challenging. We look at the whole environment and make sure that even cost-effective practical furniture solutions are part of an overall strategy to create an environment designed to inspire.
At Interior Innovations, we educate ourselves on the latest research, trends and products to make sure that we are recommending cost effective solutions that will continue to provide dividends to our customers long after the investments are forgotten.
Interior Innovations brings together experienced Space Planners, Designers, Manufacturers and Installers to manage your project from start to finish. Please contact us for further information.