Interactive Aerial, Inc. is a manufacturing and inspection service company based in Traverse City, Michigan. Our team is building robotic hardware & software to better address internal infrastructure inspections – specifically GPS-denied, confined space environments.
Our three products: The Legacy One drone, Zenith inspection camera system, and our Photo Measurement Software are revolutionizing the way traditional inspections are carried out.
The products we make detect, measure, and predict the rate of defect growth inside of assets across multiple industries. We achieve those by focusing on simplicity, automation, and repeatability when it comes to robotic inspection products. This enables us to complete inspections much safer, quicker, and cheaper in comparison to traditional manned inspections. Learn more at
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
315 Odyssey Dr
Suite D
Webster, Texas 77598, US
Unmanned Aerial VehicalsUnmanned Aerial SystemsInternal InspectionsConfined Space InspectioUtilities InspectioBoiler InspectioCargo Hold InspectioBallast Tank InspectioBleach Tower InspectioTank Inspectio