InterAd, Inc. are professionals in digital marketing. We provide our clients with expert services in search engine optimization (SEO), strategy consulting, SEO-PR as well as online marketing campaigns. By drawing on our wealth of experience in these areas, InterAd is able to make clients more competitive businesses in their markets. We have been providing strategic SEO & SEA services and experienced great improvements with our clients including Royal Philips, British Council Korea, Microsoft, Yahoo! Korea, AIG, Samsung, KOTRA, the Official websites run by Korean Government, and other small & medium companies since 2001. With our expertise and experienced staffs, InterAd stands out from other Korean firms in this industry with the title of Certified Advertising Professional by Google for the first time in Korea.
Besides, InterAd also offers specifically-tailored advisory services to our clients based on their situation and needs. Our professional marketers, together with SEO technicians, always try to produce the most cost-effective online campaign, Branded Content, SEO-PR, and more qualified traffic to clients’ website through search engine optimization. We also achieve our goal through the use of social media as an impact of digital content significantly increased recently.
Instead of boosting the traffic for short period with intense use of the resource, we focus more on long-term performance, more qualified traffic that leads to sales of our client’s company. We make our client’s investment worth.
We do our best to be the best business partner of you.
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