Institute Of Social And Policy Sciences (I Saps)

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Institute of Social and Policy Sciences (I-SAPS) is mandated to undertake multi-disciplinary research, develop human resources, inform public policies and engage state and market in informed policy dialogues for sustainable development. At the heart of I-SAPS’ mission lies the provision of scholarly expertise, research based evidence to the policy makers, academia, and print and electronic media leading to an informed process of development. As a policy research institute, I-SAPS put great emphasis on creating synergies between technical and political sides of reforms. We understand that politicians and political parties are instrumental not only for policy making and reform design but also for execution and successful implementation of policy and reform initiatives. Keeping this in mind, our institutional approach has focused on leveraging policy debate through evidence-based informed policy options. I-SAPS has been implementing various initiatives for policy improvement, institutional strengthening, transparency in financial flows and improvement in the governance of public-sector. The programme teams possess expertise in review of laws, policy analysis, public finance analysis, generating evidence-base for system improvement and undertaking institutional assessments. The programme areas include: a. Education and Literacy b. Health c. Disaster Risk Reduction d. Governance and Law e. Conflict and Stabilisation f. Devolution and Decentralisation g. Development and Social Change
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12 Mauve Area Sector G-8/1 Islamabad, ICT 44000, PK
Multidisciplinary Research and AnalysisPolicy Dialogues and Policy AdviceTraining and Capacity BuildingAssessment and EvaluationsCase Studiesand Surveys
  • 12 Mauve Area Sector G-8/1 Islamabad, ICT 44000, PK

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