The Institute is one of the 55 research institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences. It conducts research in the following fields:
- Non-inductive current drive and heating in tokamaks by lower hybrid waves
- Edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks
- Plasma diagnostics
- High current capillary discharge
- Generation of shock waves by a plasma discharge in water
- Generation of chemically active non-equilibrium plasma in gases at atmospheric pressure and in liquids
- Generation of equilibrium water-stabilised arc discharges
- Interaction of thermal plasma with materials: plasma spraying and waste treatment
- Materials research connected with plasma technologies
- Generation of hot dense plasma by a sub-nanosecond iodine laser
- Laser plasma as a source of intense coherent and non-coherent x-ray radiation and of multicharged ions
- Special optics and optomechanical systems, state-of-the-art precision, including consulting, advisory and expertise services, simulations, analysis, application research, precise manufacturing, prototyping and measurements.
Since 1999 the Institute has been coordinating Czech participation in the EURATOM S&T programme in fusion (Association EURATOM/IPP.CR)