The Innovative Knowledge Institute (IKI) is an Independent College concentrating on research in Foreign Affairs, Development and Diplomatic studies. Working out in the heart of Paris, IKI offers internationally recognized Postgraduate Degrees ( Master, MBA,DBA,PhD) in a multitude of disciplines catering to the ever developing International Markets and their professional needs. Courses are largely taught in English with optional bilingual modules, french for now and soon to include other languages .
IKI further offers Executive Learning Courses for Upper Management Executives wishing to sharpen skills, expand horizons or keep up with Market trends, as well as engaging the wider public through Conferences and Round Table events on current affairs inviting Key Speakers and Leaders to participate and exchange ideas.
With over 30 cumulative years of experience in Higher Education, Diplomacy, Law and Investment, Our Academic Faculty and Research Body are leaders in their fields coming from IVY League Universities and French Écoles Superieures and include Diplomats and Leaders in the Private Sector.
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