The Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL) is a computer science research and development group situated in the heart of the University of Tennessee’s Knoxville campus. ICL has a rich history that has spanned over 30 years of advancements in high-performance computing. These advancements have brought ever-increasing demands for parallelism, data management, energy efficiency, and resilience to the field.
ICL’s work, which has evolved and expanded to address these challenges, encompasses a solid understanding of the algorithms and libraries for multi-core, many-core, and heterogeneous computing, as well as performance evaluation and benchmarking for high- performance computing. In addition, ICL’s portfolio of expertise includes high-performance parallel and distributed computing—with keen attention to message passing and fault tolerance.
The tools and technologies that ICL designs, develops, and implements play a key role in supercomputing-based discoveries in areas such as life sciences, climate science, earthquake prediction, energy exploration, combustion and turbulence, advanced materials science, and drug design, among others.