Innovation Strategist

Innovation Strategist specializes in Technology, Information and Internet with 11 employees
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About Innovation Strategist
Since 2006 London Social Network has been planning fun activities in and around London for people who are looking to make new friends, network, connect, try something different or experience things they like that they can’t get their friends to do! Best Social Club in London! Our members are everyday real people who are interested in fun and interesting events with a focus on making new friends, networking, connecting or just getting away from their busy lives. We have singles and some couples from every walk of life and various professions coming together almost every night for the activities we plan. We are very careful to host a variety of activities that take in to consideration that these days our members come from a wide spectrum of economic means, so you will see both very affordable and some very high end offerings. All of our events are geared for London’s Mainstream lifestyle. If you are adventurous, fun, active and open to trying something new or just being a tourist in your own city, we have thousands of members ready to welcome you starting today! With the exception of some of the larger nightclub parties, most of our events are geared for maximizing quality social time with 15-50 attendees. London Social Network is a sum of the collective experiences that I have gathered throughout my years of event planning both in radio and for other related groups and the experiences. I have been doing this since 2002 as a hobby and 2006 as my sole profession. I found that planning events and sharing experiences was a great way to meet others and make friends. You can be assured that each one of our events will be a great experience, hosted by someone who cares about what they do and knows that meeting new friends in the world’s largest city can be intimidating and challenging.
Year Founded
Social Media
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
London, GB
TechnologyInnovationand StrategyInnovatioStrategy
Innovation Strategist Location
  • London, GB

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