Innovatio NTNU is the student association for the master's program in entrepreneurship, innovation and society at the Institute of Geography. The student association were founded in 2015 under the name Triple Helix, but in 2021 it was converted to Innovatio NTNU.
The name of the student association reflects the focus of the study program on the innovative aspect of social development. It emphasizes our focus on growth and innovation at both regional, national and international levels. Innovatio NTNU is a voluntary student organization that works to create social meeting places for students in the master's program, and at the same time be a hub for actors in the work and business community who want to collaborate with the students.
The student association organizes monthly social gatherings for students internally on the master's program, strengthening students' interaction and educational benefits. In addition, we manage annual alumni collections, where students are allowed to exchange experiences with former students at the master's program and gain insight into their workday after completing their study time. The student organization aims to build networks within the innovation environment in the region and actively contribute to the development and innovation that takes place in the labour and business community. We, therefore, became a member of FRAM in 2021. Innovatio NTNU also participates annually in workshops and other events, e.g. Technoport, SoPro, the Trondheim Region Business Association, the Young Entrepreneurship and the Scandinavian Innovation Awards as supervisors, mentors and juries. This means that students in the study program already gain insight into the work and business initiatives and projects within the innovation environment during the educational course—a well rounded and practical angle, connecting the business environment with talented students.