Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH
A trusted business software partner since 1997 with a proven track record of innovation.
Our mission is helping businesses make the most of their investment in product, tools and platform development. Innoopract specializes in solutions optimized for performance, data safety & app security. We’re always looking ahead, but our DNA remains the same: engineering at the core, transparency, and openness.
We deliver secure solutions for the digitalization era.
Digital transformation is challenging. It requires a broad set of capabilities and technologies working seamlessly together to achieve outstanding results. Our experience in building state of the art digital workflows and our ability to go deep with technology allows us to succeed. Together with our customers, we build secure applications for banking and healthcare sectors.
+ diwoBlood -digital workflow for German blood donation services
+ PSD2/Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
+ Chatbot-based banking
+ Digital signature
Expertise and know-how
As a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation, we specialize in Eclipse technologies since 2003. We actively contribute to open source projects. In 2013 we created the framework Tabris to follow innovation trends in mobile space. We offer services focused on:
+ digitalization process
+ product development
+ developer support
+ consulting & technical advisory