Technology, Information and Internet, Design, Mitarbeitertraining · 2 Employees
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Innolytics AG develops next-generation AI-based enterprise software: a digital operating system for the international midmarket. Through the smart integration of AI applications such as DEEPL and OpenAI, we enable disruptive use cases for enterprises: from automatically generated work instructions to seamless enterprise communication in 10 languages to AI-based solution proposals for cost reduction.
Innolytics AG combines strong growth ambitions with the value framework of a conservatively acting medium-sized company. As a non-listed stock corporation, we voluntarily submit to the internationally recognized standards of good and responsible corporate governance of the German Corporate Governance Code.
We strive for a market position as a digital hidden champion in the global implementation of AI-based management systems. Innolytics AG is one of the few start-ups in the growth phase that make it possible for private investors to easily participate directly in the company. Tax-supported by the INVEST program of the German government.