“Initiative Capital enables governments, investors and communities to 'own tomorrow together'.”
The age of ever increasing government spending is over. Yet the requirements for government expenditure are becoming greater.
The funding gap between the community’s expectations for services and the contracting revenue of governments creates a challenge for both government and the private sector.
Initiative Capital looks for innovative methods to bridge this gap.
Initiative Capital looks to:
• Create innovative partnerships with government;
• Encourage new players, especially local businesses, to be involved in the provision of government services;
• Build better and more efficient procurement models; and
• Drive new engagement between stakeholders where government problems are publicly and clearly defined and where business responds with new coalitions and ideas.
Initiative Capital aims to provide governments with unique solutions to their problems and, in return, build long term, secure revenue streams for investors.
The key to developing these robust investment proposals for government is for the proposal to centre on a genuinely unique or innovative idea. If the degree of innovation is strong enough, the investment will have potential for highly attractive returns.
These innovative government contracts are developed through partnerships between investors, service providers, governments and Initiative Capital.
Our projects, to date, have helped government to remove the need to invest in new, large capital assets, while also providing a fair and equitable return for the proponent.
These projects have provided value for money to taxpayers, as well as more efficient services for the community.
Contact us:
T. +61 7 3221 7086
E. info@initiativecapital.com.au
A. Level 1 GPO Building, 261 Queen Street, Brisbane Q 4000 Australia