Iniciativa Comunitaria,

Civic and Social Organizations · 51 Employees
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Iniciativa Comunitaria de Investigación, Inc. (ICI) is a community based organization that promotes health, education and prevention services to special populations that have been marginalized by traditional health systems. Founded in 1990 and stablished in 1992 by Dr. José A. Vargas Vidot, this non-profit organization has provided assistance to drug users, sex workers, homeless individuals, young people exposed to street violence and people affected by HIV/AIDS. We are a leading organization working to accompany the community in its development and transformation. We advocate for the recognition of the fundamental rights of the community and its individuals. We seek that those rights are respected. We propose and promote a sensitive and inclusive public policy committed to achieve quality of life, healthy and harmonious coexistence, especially in humans suffering social exclusion. Iniciativa Comunitaria de Investigación, Inc. (ICI) es una organización de base comunitaria que provee servicios de salud, educación y prevención a poblaciones especiales que han sido marginadas por los sistemas tradicionales de salud. Fundada en 1990 por el médico humanista Dr. José A. Vargas Vidot, esta institución sin fines de lucro desarrolla e implementa servicios dirigidos a usuarios/as de drogas, trabajadoras del sexo, personas sin hogar, jóvenes expuestos a la violencia callejera, personas que viven con VIH y comunidades estigmatizadas por la pobreza. Algunos de los modelos que han guiado a la organización son: la educación popular, la promoción de la salud, el modelo de apoderamiento, las comunidades de aprendizaje, la reducción de daños y, una de las principales, el alcance comunitario.
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Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
Calle Quisqueya # 61, Esquina Chile Hato Rey San Juan, PR 00918, PR
HIV TreatmentHomeless servicesSexual workersProblematic Use of DrugsYouth at Social RiskHealth Educationand Advocacy
  • Calle Quisqueya # 61, Esquina Chile Hato Rey San Juan, PR 00918, PR

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