Indulgeo Essentials is a profound endeavor using the wisdom of nature to deliver custom made concoctions suitable for a plethora of skin & hair types and concerns. Our brand name is originated from Latin- Indulgeo means “to gratify oneself & indulge in”. We bring to you truly natural essential oil blends that people of all age groups can indulge in, providing radiant skin and real results minus the harmful toxins.
Indulgeo Essentials was founded by Supriya Malik under the able guidance of her mother Seema Arora in 2016. The goal was to provide effective solutions for concerns like alopecia, acne, hairfall, pigmentation etc with the purest and natural ingredients.
n epitome of luxury organic skin care, “luxury” to us means an unwavering dedication to using the highest quality ingredients collected from all over India and painstakingly experimenting with products until the perfect blend is created. We take skincare one step further by combining the most natural ingredients with techniques used and trusted for many years now. We also believe words like “natural” and “organic” have an honest meaning beyond marketing. Everything that we put on our skin quickly absorbs into our bodies, we thus source the finest raw natural ingredients the earth has to offer in the most ethical manner. Our ingredients are selected based on their functionality, effectiveness and safety and are used in viable percentages. We believe in vigour and performance as opposed to label claims.