Indoor Air Quality Solutions, IAQS, the IAQ division of Microshield ES can help with all Indoor Environmental needs from Diagnostic & Forensic Investigation to Mold & and Odor Investigation and Testing.
IAQ Solutions has been providing Florida Residential and Commercial Indoor Air Quality, Mold Testing, Investigation, & Inspection since 2001.
Homeowners today are increasingly concerned about the indoor air quality (IAQ) of their homes. Issues like mold, radon, carbon monoxide, and toxic chemicals have received greater attention than ever as poor indoor air quality has been linked to a host of health problems.
As the public recognizes the importance of healthy, comfortable, and productive indoor environments, their awareness and demand for good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) increases. This demand has resulted in IAQ emerging as a major concern in office buildings. Many office buildings have significant indoor air pollution sources.
These sources include furnishings, occupant activities, housekeeping practices, pesticide applications, and mold or microbial contamination. A factor greatly influencing the effect of these sources and the overall quality of indoor air in offices is the ventilation system design, operation and maintenance. People generally have less control over the indoor environment in their offices than they do in their homes. As a result, there are large numbers of reported health problems associated with office buildings.