Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit...Naturally
Our practice is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and adults. We are especially proud of the successes we have had with people with chronic or complicated cases that have previously tried ‘everything else’ without success.
We are committed to bringing about healing and balance naturally and harmoniously. We address the mind, body, and spirit of our patients. Our healing modalities are administered with loving, gentle, and attentive care. Our goal is not only to relieve symptoms, but also to rebalance and restore optimal health by focusing on and transforming the source of the ‘dis-ease’.
Alternative Medicine, Alternative Health Care
HQ Location
1220 Valley Forge Rd
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460, US
Holistic HealthAcupunctureTransformational CoachingReikiHomeopathyAcutonicsEnergy Vibrational MedicineNeuroemotional TechniqueApplied Kineseologyand Cranialsacro Therapy