IndianOil-Adani Gas Private Limited (IOAGPL), a 50:50 Joint venture of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Adani Total Gas Limited (ATGL) incorporated in 2013 for providing Piped Natural Gas (PNG) in Industrial, Commercial, and Residential sectors and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in the transport sector. The Company is engaged in the development of City Gas Distribution (CGD) network across 19 geographical areas (GAs) authorized by PNGRB, spread across 33 Districts in 10 States and 3 UTs covering 3% of total area and 7% of population of the nation. IOAGPL is one of those companies which enjoys strong parentage which are known for faster turnaround and best practices not only in India but also across the World.
Our investments are creating sustainable future.