Indian Biosciences (INB) have launched their operations in India with the opening of their Head Office in New Delhi and a state-of-the-art collection centre in Dehradun. Indian Biosciences provides an array of DNA and Genetic Testing Services.
The DNA Testing at INB is:
All these testing services are now available to the Indian citizens, doctors, hospitals, clinics, maternity homes, diagnostic centres, etc..
From their offices in New Delhi and Dehradun they have established relationships with various DNA Laboratories around the world who are each specialists in their own field. Over the last decade these labs have performed more than 500,000 DNA tests and paternity tests and their rigorous quality assurance procedures have ensured that mistakes have never been, and never will be, a possibility.
Indian Biosciences operates in a trading environment of total transparency, from their customer sales team to senior management, each member of the business is available directly to clientele, taking possession of issues from instigation to finality.
INB is making constant efforts to expand their footprint and to have presence in all major cities in India. They offer franchise opportunities to reputed doctors, labs and hospitals throughout India.
Any interested client can order his/her DNA Test Kit online and collect the samples under the guidance of the case manager, in the privacy at home. Clients can also walk-in to any of the collection centres and request for their Case Managers. Every client is assigned a personalised and dedicated Case Manager who guides them through the complete procedure.
For further details, please visit: