Indian Aromatics And Herbs
Commenced in the year
“Indian Aromatics And Herbs”
is one of the prominent name of this domain. We are a
sole proprietor
based entity, headquartered at
Kk Pudur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
. Quality is the feature of our industry and to maintain unique quality standards we are immersed in
a varied collection of
Herbal Oil, Pure Honey, Bees Wax, Natural Herb
Terminalia Chebula
. Our range is easy to operate and consume less amount of power. Due to the optimum quality of our range and customized solutions, we have gained immense market appreciation. In addition to this, we have a vast distribution network across nation, which supported us to timely ship our consignments.
Honeycomb, Honey Bee Products, Coir and Agro Products, Agriculture & Farming, Berry Honey, Honey & Sweeteners, Ayurvedic,Herbal Products & Medicine, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Organic Cardamom, Organic Spices
HQ Location
Subbammal Lay Out 63 K K Pudur, Near Madurai Temple, Koundampalayam, Coimbatore - 641038, Tamil Nadu, India