DANMARKS FRIE FORSKNINGSFOND - Independent Research Fund Denmark invests in the most original ideas and initiatives within Danish research facilitating the pursuit of original research ideas to improve our way of life and welfare. The grants are awarded to research activities based on researchers’ own ideas within all scientific areas and aim to improve the quality and internationalisation of Danish research.
In 2021 Independent Research Fund Denmark funded approximately 435 ground-breaking research projects at a total amount of more than DKK 1453 million. The Fund’s grants are offered in free national competition in order to further original researcher-initiated ideas and projects. Scientific quality constitutes the key assessment criterion in the Fund's distribution of means.
Independent Research Fund Denmark continually strives to create the best conditions for independent research in Denmark as well as to promote international research collaborations.
Independent Research Fund Denmark is comprised of a Board of Directors and five scientific research councils: IRFD | Humanities, IRFD | Natural Sciences, IRFD | Social Sciences, IRFD | Medical Sciences and IRFD | Technology and Production Sciences.