In2Search is an executive search partner to business leaders and talent management professionals in industry.
Our clients are important international organisations in several industrial sectors.
We believe that the most important task for a business leader is to get the best people onto the team.
We devote individual consultant attention to clients and candidates.
We can focus on what our clients need as we are a small, lightweight organisation
We bring industry knowledge and insight
We draw on long experience of managing business teams gained in both major multinationals and SME environments
In more than a decade of making successful appointments we have developed a deep and extensive international network across our sectors, nurturing personal contact with numerous executives through their careers.
Clients choose us for a long-term relationship. We get to know the business: its goals, its strategy and its people. We participate in succession planning. Through this partnership, we offer our clients a search consultant able to spot the business opportunity represented by an outstanding candidate.
In this way, we can effectively represent the client organisation to potential candidates.
We are able to attract the very best people on the market, and interest those who are not on the market. We look for candidates who can fit in the business team and bring complementary abilities and experience.
We work closely with both candidate and client, establishing the initial relationship and paving the way to a successful hire.