We are the People Enablement Platform and our belief is simple: grow your people, grow your business. ⭐️
The world’s most innovative companies like Atlassian, DoorDash, Wolt, and CERN are using Impraise to build high-performing teams and foster a growth mindset culture.
By connecting people to strategy, facilitating real-time feedback, and encouraging continuous performance and developmental conversations, our customers are improving employee engagement and gaining a competitive edge.
Founded through the Y-Combinator accelerator program in Silicon Valley and headquartered in Amsterdam, we are a fast-growing international team with a shared passion for designing beautiful technology, and a shared mission to help people unleash their full potential in their role and career.
Our values include putting people first, leveraging our differences, learning by doing, daring to be challenged, and defaulting to openness.🧡
Are you ready to improve the feedback culture at your workplace? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!