Imperial College Energy Society is open to all students and members of staff from different backgrounds who are interested in the Energy Sector. We aim to induce innovation among students in clean or renewable energy by organising various events. The Society provides its members with the foundation, skills and network to develop successful careers in Energy-related industries.
We offer a variety of events to our members either for a discounted price or completely FREE. Our major events for the upcoming year are:
1. Projects:
We offer great opportunities to work on a real-life project, run in partnership with energy companies. Themes for this year include geothermal, nuclear fusion, and storage technology.
2. Talks:
Talks and networking events are hosted by speakers from diverse backgrounds to enable holistic industry understanding.
3. Careers Events:
We organise recruitment events, workshops and an annual Energy Careers Fair.
4. G3 Conference (2024):
We offer the largest student-led Energy Summit in London, as co-hosted by Imperial, LSE, and UCL.
5. Energy Journal:
We participate in this collaboration between, Imperial, LSE, UCL Energy Societies and ESCP. Students write and edit articles on energy-related topics of their choice, to be published in print.
6. Educational Trips:
Past (in-person) destinations include Netherlands (STCA), France (ITER) and Oxford (JET). We hope to organise another site visit during the spring term.
7. Energy Idea Challenge (2024):
We host an idea challenge in collaboration with other London universities to encourage the exchange of ideas between students and professionals. Problem statements will be defined by industry players.
8. Podcast:
We have a monthly podcast discussing frontier technological advances with industry professionals.
9. Social Events:
EnergySoc is also a great way to make friends and have fun! We hope to organise social events throughout the year for members to get together and meet like-minded people.