At immersus Health Company we design, manufacture and supply ergonomic, evidence based products, including powered and non powered support surfaces and seating solutions that reduce pressure injury incidence and prevent falls.
We believe that Better Outcomes Matter. Today, our clinically proven products are helping thousands of patients and caregivers throughout North America. Immersus Mattress and Posture-Mate Seating Systems deliver Around the Clock Surface and Seating Protection, comfort, wound healing and fall safety.
Evidence Based Ergonomics.... because Better Outcomes Matter.
Medical Equipment Manufacturing
HQ Location
Cincinnati, OH, US
ergonomic designevidence based product developmentpressure injury preventionfall preventionclinically proven products
powered support surfacesnon-powered support surfacesseating solutionsImmersus MattressPosture-Mate Seating Systems
Therapeutic Support SurfacesErgonomic Medical Product DesigClinically Proven Product SolutionsPressure Injury Prevention & TreatmentFalls PreventioEvidence Based ErgonomicsAround the Clock Surface & Seating ProtectioBetter Outcomes Matter