Imagry provides unique mapless driving solutions for Level 3-4 autonomous vehicles. Our location-independent technology enables rapid deployment on unknown roads. It is hardware-agnostic, self-sufficient, uses hi-res cameras, fits many self-driving applications, and can be installed on passenger vehicles as well as autonomous buses.
Imagry's bio-inspired technology collects and processes peripheral information from cameras installed on the vehicle. This data is sent to a special computer in the vehicle whose purpose is to perform, in real time, the actions that will allow the vehicle to drive autonomously (similar to a human driver). Imagry's unique location-independent technology enables the rapid deployment of autonomous vehicles on unknown roads for journeys of all lengths. It uses low-cost sensors and eliminates the need for a continuous satellite connection or multiple investments for the digital mapping of roads and cities. For the last four years, Imagry has been driving autonomously with passenger vehicles on public roads in the US, Germany and Israel.
It recently won two different bids to operate autonomous public vehicles (shuttles and buses, respectively) on Israel’s roads. Imagry's investors include Takwin Ventures, Afifi Group, and others.