For over 20 years, we’ve created distinctive, highly effective, and consistently award-winning eLearning solutions for world-recognized organizations such as Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Dunkin' Brands, ESPN, Harvard Graduate School of Education, DentaQuest, the World Health Organization, Novo Nordisk, Prestone, SC Johnson, Nestle, and more.
Solutions that combine unique themes, captivating visual storytelling, and innovative interactions that address the real needs and engagement points of the learner.
Illumina Interactive is a leading full-service eLearning production and development firm located in the greater Boston area. Founded in 1997, we are a long-standing, service-oriented company that takes a fully custom, boutique approach to the creation of online learning.
Grounded in the pursuit of excellence for our clients and partners, we are both honored and humbled to be developers and stewards of exceptional and consistently award-winning online learning for many of the most recognizable and prestigious companies in the Country.
Our Team brings tremendous passion and enthusiasm for transforming our clients’ educational challenges and training needs into distinctive, effective technology-based learning solutions.
We pride ourselves on making our clients’ jobs easier as we handle the heavy lifting in rapidly developing and deploying the optimum e-learning solution to perfectly suit their unique requirements.
We enjoy the good fortune of having served over 100 companies, life science practice organizations, government agencies, academic and non-profit institutions, and more thereby building a rich history of successful eLearning development.
our body of course development for our clients and partners represents extensive focused experience in the areas of:
Compliance & Safety
Management, Leadership, and Business Practices
Operations and Processes
Sales/Marketing & Project Knowledge
Systems and Application Training
Technical and Professional Skills