Illimity Consulting Sagl specializes in Business Consulting and Services with 11 employees
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About Illimity Consulting Sagl
Ilimity Consulting is an energy consulting company with a network of professionals in Switzerland, Spain and Italy.
We are at our partners’ side to support them in their growth processes. By overturning the traditional model, we are a player in the energy and environment supply chain specialising in headhunting and human capital services. Our vertical knowledge of the reference markets and their dynamics allows us to make a difference in the selection of the most complex and innovative professional figures
Best Practice: Energy commodities, Business Development, Internationalization, Head Hunting
Year Founded
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Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
Lugano, Ticino 6900, CH
Temporary ManagementDigitalCommoditiesInnovationEnergyStart UpPME'sInternationalizationand New Business
Illimity Consulting Sagl Location
Lugano, Ticino 6900, CH
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