Go "Iconish" in the digital world!
Iconish is a start-up and product development house. We have been around for more than a decade now in Iran's telecom and digital business arena. With multiple, well-recognized, product and business innovations applauded by millions of customers, partnership history with major telecom and digital players, and a team of heroic talent, Iconish goal is to keep the golden triangle shining: to be the service provider of choice for customers, investment of choice for shareholders and employer of choice for talent.
With our vision to “bring access for the people,” we started our journey of excitement and were committed to keep quality standards at a global level, and always put user experience at the heart of the design process when doing software, app, or any other product development.
Our portfolio of products and services now include:
- Game design, development, and publishing
- Design, development, and launch of web and mobile platforms
- UI/UX research, design, and implementation
- Digital content creation and illustration of web and motion graphics
Iconish believes in the agile development principle and embraces it in every aspect of the business. We developed a flat, team-oriented collaboration culture which brought efficiency and performance for us and saved us a lot over these years of extensive constant delivery of products and start-ups. We believe success comes with: Diligence, Cando, Directness, and Resilience if your heart resonates with these and love to work in an Iconish world, hope aboard.