Iason Skouzos TaxLaw specializes in Law Practice with 11 employees
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About Iason Skouzos TaxLaw
Iason Skouzos TaxLaw is a Greek commercial & tax law firm based in Athens. With an experience of over 40 years in taxation, tax law is, naturally, our specialization. However, through the years, we have developed a full range of legal services to enterprises and private clients both locally and internationally.
Our key philosophy is to approach law from a business angle. Whether it is a complicated commercial agreement, a business start up or a dispute, we have the expertise and the talent required to let our clients focus on their business and let us deal with the problem in the most efficient way.
We have a particular specialization in international clientele. Our understanding of common law and continental legal systems in combination with our long established practice in Greece, enable us to better communicate to our international clients the particularities of Greek business, tax and legal environment.