ITK ( is a company located in Spain. The firm currently provides consultancy and engineering services, turn key projects and vehicles and equipments for railway, internationally. The industry division takes in all sapects of the industrial project in the energy, petrochemical and steel mills areas, starting with th eprecise definitions of the client and offering a integrated solution that brings together construction, production, environmental protection and safety aspects via analysis, calculation and engineering specific skills. The railway division operates using the same philosophy specially focused in two different product lines. On one hand, rolling stock for maintenance of the infrastructure. On the other hand, machinery, equipment and devices for the integral maintenance of the trains. And finally, the integration of both of them, taking into consideration the maintenance of the railway installations as a whole. ITK is specialized in providing catenary maintenance and construction vehicles, special wagons and vehicles for track maintenance, paint shops, cleaning booths, bogie drop and lifting tables, platforms, bogie and locos turntables and the whole workshop for the train set maintenance. Finally, our activity includes all the necessary services to help out our clients to develop any investment project in the industry, energy, environmental and transportation sectors.
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Plant & Machinery, Machinery
HQ Location
PCT de Gijon. Edificio ITK. Parcela 5. c/ Profesor Potter 221
Railway maintenance wolling stockRailway maintenance depots and equipmentConsultancy services for the industry and railway sectorsand Turn key projects for the energypetrochemical and steel mills sectors