ITEQ is specialized in developing and producing complete products, from concept to final product. We take care of the engineering and production of industrial precision sheet metal products and constructions made from steel, stainless steel, aluminium and other non-ferrous materials.
ITEQ Non-Ferrous
We specialise in processing stainless steel and other non-ferrous materials. In our stainless steel factory, where only non-ferrous materials are processed, we have the right equipment for the semi-conductor, agribusiness and food industries.
High-quality stainless steel welded assemblies, frames, sheet constructions with highly accurate geometric tolerances.
ITEQ Industries stands for 25 years of experience, dedication and creativity in innovatively designed single parts and complete modules. We support our customers from idea to Plug and Play.
This Full Size Partner concept focuses on customisation, reliability, an approach based on processes and solutions, equality in relationships and results. Corporate social responsibility is a must for us.
We enjoy surprising our customers!
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing, Metal machining contractors, Industrial subcontractors, Metals, Machinery & Engineering
HQ Location
Rijnerf 12
Nijkerk, Gelderland 3861 PV, NL
Plaatbewerkingrvsaluminiumnon ferroBehuizingensystemenmodulesLassenlasrobotgeautomatiseerd machinepark