Istanli is an exceptional online retailer for high quality goods from Turkey.
We offer you the opportunity to purchase goods that are not imported - rare and exclusive goods at prices from manufacturer. Due to the high demand and their absence in your country, such goods are often overvalued by 2-3 times.
With Us you buy original goods with a quality guarantee without intermediaries and overpayments, without the risk of getting a fake.
Istanli means low prices for quality goods and direct deliveries from the manufacturer, reliable and affordable delivery for short terms.
You buy foreign goods from us at a profit - without taxes and with guaranteed comfort - no queues and annoying consultants, the ability to abandon the selected product at any time or change some of its characteristics with one click.
We guarantee the complete anonymity of the consumer, you can register on the site under any name. Pay by cash, postal or bank transfer, or electronic money. You don't even need to leave the at home!