アイ・アール ジャパンは、委任状争奪戦、アクティビスト対応等での議決権確保において圧倒的な実績を誇るプロキシー・アドバイザリー(PA)と完全独立系の立場を貫き、株主共同の利益の確保・向上を第一とする先鋭の専門家が金融ソリューションを提供するフィナンシャル・アドバイザリー(FA)を結合させ、お客様である上場企業に対して企業価値の向上に資する唯一無二のエクイティ・コンサルティングをご提供します。
IR Japan is Japan’s largest specialized investor relations (IR) consulting firm, providing advanced IR and shareholder relations (SR) services. Utilizing a sophisticated proprietary database accumulated on a daily basis, our team of capital markets professionals responds rapidly and pays meticulous attention to the unique IR/SR needs of a diverse range of clients, from traditional listed companies to new market entrants pursuing an initial public offer (IPO).
With the environment surrounding Japanese companies changing dramatically due to M&As, hostile takeovers, proxy fights and other moves, IR/SR activities are growing in importance. IR Japan, Inc. has consistently been the first in Japan to offer innovative services to comprehensively support the IR/SR activities of listed companies.