IPC® is an Internet data center, telecommunications and cloud services company, providing local and regional enterprises with managed data services and business solutions at international standards.
Certified with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems and ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems, the foundation of the company's business is customer satisfaction, ensured through high-quality on-time service delivery, best practices, and a personalized "boutique" approach to clients.
The company offers superior packages of integrated IT services to businesses, institutions and other service providers. These world-class solutions include Internet data center services, dedicated Internet connectivity, network security, and a host of enterprise cloud services that help clients minimize the cost and effort from doing "IT" themselves.
True to its brand promise of Empowering Business.™, IPC's mission is to ensure that its customers achieve their business goals through value-driven Internet solutions. With only the best business relationships, its world-class data center and network infrastructure, fully-trained professional staff, and a clearly defined mission that benefits customers, IPC is the ideal partner for IT and telecommunications services.