OUR COMPANY INVAC has been a specializing enterprise with its gained expertise and experience since 1980. In recent years, our company gave the priority to the issue of vacuum cleaners and continues to work in this direction. Among our products, horizontally vacuum machines, dual-chamber single-cover portrait of industrial-type vacuum machine, vacuum packaging products capable of great weight and dimensions.Our company is taking into consideration our customers' requests and complaints by producers as a result of its better work, offer more beautiful facilities and obtain quality with its service opportunities. We would like to create co-operation with your company in order to extend our marketing even with your brand. You can check our web site to have more information about us.We’re waiting for your response to have a better future all together.Namik Kemal AGUR Sales and Marketing Manager TURKEY Phone: +905333793124 e-mail: namik.agur@invac.com.tr