Ikm Subsea As

Oil and Gas, Hire and rental of machinery and equipment for the mining, oil and gas industry, Hire and rental services · 51 Employees
Phone Number: regnskap.ikmsubsea@ikm.no
Email Address: regnskap.ikmsubsea@ikm.no
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IKM Subsea is a Norwegian ROV operator. We are owned by IKM Group a multidiscipline sub supplier to the oil and gas industry. We have offices in Norway, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. We also have representatives in West Africa and China. The Merlin ROV system represents a new generation electrical work class ROV with extreme performance and increased reliability. The vehicle is based on hardwired electrical propulsion system, composite material frame and intuitive man-machine interface. It will surpass any other ROV system of this class. We have a fleet of Merlin ROVs available for rental for short term and long term contracts. IKM also provide a competent crew. Our offshore personnel are experienced in ROVs and subsea operations globally. Our Onshore Control Center together with our state of the art ROV' offer cost saving and several added value features to our clients and partners. Ask us for ore information! ROV's Available: Merlin R-ROV - 200HP Resident Workclass ROV Merlin WR200 - 200HP Workclass ROV Merlin UCV - 200HP Workclass ROV Comanche - Light work class ROV system Mohican - Observation Class ROV system Seaeye Tiger - Observation Class ROV system
Year Founded
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Oil and Gas, Hire and rental of machinery and equipment for the mining, oil and gas industry, Hire and rental services, Business Services, Hire and rental of industrial machinery, tools and equipment, Hire and rental of civil engineering and building industry machinery and equipment
HQ Location
Nordlysvegen 7 Bryne, 4340, NO
ROV OperationsROV Salesand Subsea operations
  • Nordlysvegen 7 Bryne, 4340, NO
  • 22 Pandan Road Singapore, Singapore 609274, SG
  • Wangsa Maju Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, MY
  • Peregrine Road Westhill, Scotland AB32 6, GB

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Oil and Gas, Hire and rental of machinery and equipment for the mining, oil and gas industry, Hire and rental services

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