We are a US and China-based clean energy and clean technology company, establishing a solid foundation for growth and significant near term profitability. Our experience in China allowed us to leverage relationships with major Chinese companies to cooperate on US projects to supply their clients’ raw material needs. Our business model calls for Chinese methanol buyers to invest in our plants to guarantee their supply channels and profit in the process.
We have assembled a close team of industry experts from the “Majors” to develop a company keenly positioned to exploit market opportunities and build a significant global presence in converting low-cost natural gas into high-value chemical products.
IGP’s unique twist has been to merge diverse global experience and the business standards in the new China with the relationship-driven traditional Chinese business methods. To do this, IGP has developed a team of proven performers from the international energy community combined with a seasoned Chinese team with significant “guanxi.”
A rare market opportunity is currently underway: a projected doubling of methanol demand in the next 8 years. Over 90% of this demand is forecast to come from China, creating supply challenges for major manufacturers that require methanol to produce their products.